HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 13. No. 2,
Editorial | | - Diagnostic Imaging in Children
Louis Low
| Fulltext PDF | Original Article | | - Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Obese Chinese Children
ACH Ho, AM Li, MHM Chan, EMC Wong, IHS Chan, DFY Chan, HK So, CC Fu, Ssk Chan, CWK Lam, EAS Nelson
| Abstract Fulltext PDF | - Towards Early Identification of Dyslexia in Chinese Preschool Children: A Study on Reading and Cognitive Profile in Children with Genetic Risk of Dyslexia in Hong Kong
FWF Lam, C McBride-Chang, CCC Lam, SWL Wong, Y Chow, S Doo
| Abstract Fulltext PDF | - Early Intervention Program for Pregnant Heroin Users and Their Young Children: Hong Kong's Experience
P Ip, WT Chan, YT Lee, CB Chow
| Abstract Fulltext PDF | - Role of Transcranial Doppler and Pressure Provocation in Evaluation of Cerebral Compliance in Children with Hydrocephalus
I Ahmad, S Wahab, RS Chana, RA Khan, A Wahab
| Abstract Fulltext PDF | Personal Practice | | - Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome in Children: What Can ENT Surgeons Offer?
SK Ng, MCF Tong
| Abstract Fulltext PDF | - Voiding Cystourethrography: How I do it
JKF Chan, JHK Ngan, G Lo
| Abstract Fulltext PDF | Case Report | | - A Diagnostic Challenge in the Management of Unlocalised Persistent Hyperinsulinaemic Hypoglycaemia of Infancy: A Case Report and Review of Literature
PHY Chung, KKY Wong, NS Tsoi, LCK Low, US Khoo, PKH Tam
| Abstract Fulltext PDF | - Successful Treatment of Neonatal Idiopathic Chylous Ascites with Total Parenteral Nutrition and Somatostatin
Y Huang, H Xu
| Abstract Fulltext PDF | - Killing Many Birds with One Stone
KLE Hon, TF Leung
| Abstract Fulltext PDF | Fact Sheet | | - Use of Oseltamivir in Children and Adolescents
Hong Kong College of Paediatricians and Hong Kong Society for Paediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases
| Fulltext PDF |