Education Column Methodology of Abstract Preparation and Presentation: Target and Pitfalls Abstract To write and present an abstract is like teaching - a meaningful and fulfilling learning experience. To succeed, capture audience attention from the start. Present your research aim and results in an elegant and simple manner. Do not give confusing details. Concentrate on concepts. Give concise figures and messages. Finally, close with a succinct and strong summary. A poster session is a friendly forum for scientific exchanges. The conference attendees can go back and forth on data in a poster, particularly if complicated tables are used, and quiz the poster presenter until questions are clarified. Poster communications are great for networking and personal contacts going into future collaborations. An oral presentation is different. Usually, the time limit compels a strategy of utmost clarity and brevity. In this article, we shall concentrate on the ways and means to make your presentations good learning experiences. Finally, we shall focus on how to give a confident, strong oral delivery that your research deserves. Keyword : Abstract preparation; Poster and oral presentation; Slide design |