Original Article An Update on the Indications of Growth Hor mone Treatment under Hospital Authority in Hong Kong 香港醫管局生長激素治療指引更新 Abstract Since 1978, Growth hormone (GH) has been used to treat patients with GH deficiency in Hong Kong. In 1998, the Hospital Authority expanded the use of GH in children with Turner syndrome and chronic renal failure before transplantation. Two additional indications for GH treatment, Prader-Willi syndrome and short stature homeobox-containing gene disorders have been approved in 2012. The objective of this paper is to discuss the recommendations of GH treatment for children and adolescents with these conditions in Hong Kong. 在香港,自1978年起生長激素(Growth hormone, GH)已用於治療GH缺乏病人。1998年,醫管局擴大GH的使用範圍用於Turner綜合徵和移植前慢性腎衰患兒。2012年,GH再獲准用於治療另外兩種疾病:Prader-Willi綜合徵以及矮小同源盒基因突變疾病(SHOX, short stature homeobox-containing gene)。本文旨在討論香港罹患此類疾病的兒童和青少年使用GH治療的相關指引。 Keyword : Growth hormone treatment; Hospital Authority 關鍵詞:生長激素治療、醫管局