HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 6. No. 2,
HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2001;6;149
Clinical Quiz Answer
What is the Diagnosis?
CY Yeung
Case 1: (a) Pale-looking with sallow-complexion; mild frontal bossing, depressed nasal bridge and prominent cheek bone (maxillae). (b) Thalassaemia major. (c) Because most children with this condition are treated early with high-transfusion regime. They do not sustain prolonged period of anaemia and therefore they do not develop significant bone-marrow hyperplasia. Case 2: (a) Barrel-shape chest, horizontally positioned ribs, hyper-inflated lungs, elongated mediastinal structures, flat and low diaphragm, vascular and bronchial streaks. Note: counting of the anterior ribs would not help with the diagnosis, as it depends on the direction of the X-ray beam. (b) Acute-on-chronic asthma (c) No, because a first attack of air-trapping would not be able to stretch the lungs so much to produce such a barrel-configuration with the upper part even wider than the lower chest (which is restricted by the liver).