Table of Contents

HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 8. No. 1, 2003

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2003;8;55

Clinical Quiz

What is the Diagnosis?

GCF Chan

Case 1 (Figures 1a & 1b)

An 8-month-old infant was found to have multiple erythematous exudative lesions over his face (Figure 1a) and back (Figure 1b). The lesions started as an apparent isolated insect bite over his right cheek 5 days ago.

Figure 1a. Figure 1b.

Case 2 (Figure 2)

An 8-year-old boy with a preceding history of sore throat 7 days ago was noted to have low-garde fever (38.5ºC) and general malaise associated with multiple erythematous lesions over his lower limbs and buttock of 2 days duration (Figure 2). They were not itchy and did not fade on pressure.

Figure 2.

Answer to "Clinical Quiz" on Page 64

N.B. The Editors invite contributions of illustrative clinical cases or materials to this section of the journal.


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