Original Article Intention to Accept Pandemic H1N1 Vaccine and the Actual Vaccination Coverage in Nurses at a Chinese Children's Hospita SS Hu, LL Yang, SH Chen, XF Wang, YF Han, WF Zhang Abstract Objective: Factors associated with the intention of H1N1 influenza vaccination before a vaccination campaign among the paediatric nurses were studied and the actual vaccination coverage investigated. Methods: An anonymous questionnaire was designed and distributed to the nurses in the children's hospital. Survey questions were based on related literatures including: demographics, history of seasonal influenza vaccination, history of contact with diagnosed or suspected H1N1 patients, perception of risk and seriousness of the pandemic H1N1 influenza and current measures for preventing H1N1 influenza infection, intention to accept the H1N1 vaccines for themselves and for their children and reasons, intention to accept pandemic vaccination with H1N1 vaccine when pregnant and reasons. Results: A total of 402 questionnaires were distributed, and 278 were completed with a response rate of 68.9%. Among the respondents, 205 nurses intended to accept the H1N1 vaccine with a rate of 73.7%. The actual coverage was 46.7%. The frequent reason for the H1N1 vaccine uptake was hoping to get protection from vaccination. Concern of safety and quality of the H1N1 vaccines was the most common reason for refusal of the vaccine. Among the respondents who had a child, only 55.8% would like to let their children accept the vaccine. 88.5% of the respondents said they would not accept H1N1 vaccines when pregnant. Safety and quality of the vaccines was the primary concern. Multivariate analysis showed nurses aged 31-40 years were more likely to accept the H1N1 vaccine (OR=0.009, 95% CI: 0.003-0.026, P<0.001). Conclusions: Vaccine safety concern is the primary reason for nurses' unwillingness to accept the vaccine. Free provision and convenience of taking vaccination may increase the influenza vaccine coverage among the nurses. Proper information provision by the media on the safety and efficacy of the vaccines are needed before the vaccination campaign. Keyword : H1N1 influenza; Paediatric nurses; Vaccination |