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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 16. No. 2, 2011

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2011;16:77-84

Original Article

Frequency of Low Bone Mineral Density and Its Associated Factors in Patients with Juvenile Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

MY So, CC Mok, KM Ma, AWL Kwok, PC Leung, SN Won


Objective: To evaluate the frequency of low bone mineral density (BMD) in Chinese patients with juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) and the associated protective and risk factors. Methods: We evaluated the BMD in 21 patients with JSLE with a mean age at diagnosis of 13.6±2.1 years. All patients had at least one BMD measurement by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at lumbar spine (L2-4) and femoral area at or beyond the age of 18. The correlations between BMD and cumulative dose of steroids, disease duration, disease activity, disease-related damage, clinical features, body mass index and age were investigated. Results: 'Low BMD for chronological age' (Z-score ≤-2.0) at one or more sites was seen in three patients (14.3%) and 'osteopenia' (Z-score <-1.0 and >-2.0) at any site was present in 12 patients (57.1%). Multiple linear regression analyses showed that body mass index was a positive predictor for BMD at all sites. Cumulative steroid dose, disease activity or lupus nephritis were not related to low BMD. Conclusions: Low bone mineral density is a common problem among Chinese patients with JSLE. Lower body mass index was shown to be a possible risk factor for low BMD.

目的:對幼年型系統性紅斑狼瘡(JSLE)病人出現骨質密度(BMD)降低的頻率以及相關的防護與危險因素進行評估分析。方法:我們對21例JSLE病例(診斷平均年齡為13.6±2.1歲)進行了骨質密度的評估。所有的病例(在18歲或18歲以上時)接受了雙能量的X綫吸收測定法對L2-4腰椎以及股骨區域骨密度的檢測。隨後將BMD與累積激素劑量、疾病持續時間、活動的情况、疾病相關的損害、臨床的特點、以及年齡的相關性進行了分析。結果:3例(14.3%)病例中可以見到一處或多處較真實年齡低的BMD(Z-score ≤-2.0),而共有12名(57.1%)病人(Z-score <-1.0 and >-2.0)則於各部位均出現了骨質减低的情况。根據多元綫性回歸分析顯示可作為各個部位BMD變化的正向預測因素。結論:低骨質密度是中國JSLE病人中的常見問題,而本研究提示低體塊指數則是出現低骨質密度的可能危險因素之一。

Keyword : Bone mineral density; Children; Chinese; Juvenile; Systemic lupus erythematosus



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