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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 15. No. 2, 2010

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2010;15:141-149

Review Article

Renal Hypertension in Children

MJ Dillon


Renal hypertension is due to or associated with congenital, inherited or acquired forms of renal disease. The commonest cause is some form of parenchymal disease with reflux nephropathy and the chronic glomerulopathies being the most important categories. Renovascular disease, although only constituting 10% of secondary hypertension in childhood, is important in view of its potential for cure by modern interventional radiological and surgical techniques. Other renal causes of hypertension include polycystic kidney disease, renal tumours and renal monogenic hypertensive disorders such as Liddle's syndrome. The majority of children with chronic renal failure (chronic kidney disease) are hypertensive and effective blood pressure control has beneficial effects on the rate of renal functional deterioration.

Keyword : Child; Chronic kidney disease; Hypertension; Reflux nephropathy; Renovascular

Abstract in Chinese


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