HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 15. No. 2,
HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2010;15:132-140
Original Article
Evaluation of a Transcutaneous Bilirubinometer with Two Optical Paths in Chinese Preterm Infants
LY Siu, LW Siu, sk Au, kw Li, TK Tsui, YY Chang, gp Lee, NS Kwong Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital, Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, N.T., Hong Kong, China LY Siu (蕭鑾儀) MBChB, FHKAM(Paed) SK Au (區秀勤) Master in Nursing, RN KW Li (李嘉華) MBChB, FHKAM(Paed) TK Tsui (徐梓筠) MBChB YY Chang (張玉燃) Degree in Nursing, RN GP Lee (李根萍) MHS M, RN, RM NS Kwong (鄺毅山) MBBS, FHKAM(Paed) Department of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong, China LW Siu (蕭鑾韻) B.Soc.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D.(Minnesota) Correspondence to: Dr LY Siu Received January 4, 2010
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the reliability of Minolta JM-103 Jaundice Meter as a screening tool for neonatal jaundice in preterm Chinese neonates on day 0-14. Methods: This prospective study studied the correlation between the total serum bilirubin (TSB) measurements and the paired transcutaneous bilirubin measurements obtained at the forehead (TcB_F) and sternum (TcB_S) between April and September 2009. Findings: 110 pairs of TcB_F, TcB_S and TSB measurements were evaluated in 30 preterm newborns. Both TcB measurements were significantly correlated with TSB, with a correlation coefficient of 0.81 and 0.83 for TcB measurements obtained at the forehead and sternum, respectively. The mean of the difference of the pairs (TcB_F minus TSB) and (TcB_S minus TSB) were 9.30 and 20.18 μmol/L, respectively. The corresponding standard deviation measured 27.10 and 27.46 at p<0.01, respectively; the JM-103 tended to overestimate TSB. Conclusion: TcB correlates significantly with TSB in preterm neonates and JM-103 appears to be useful as a screening tool in preterm (<35 weeks) neonates. Keyword : Hyperbilirubinemia; Neonatal jaundice; Preterm infants; Transcutaneous bilirubinometer; Very low-birth weight infant Abstract in Chinese