Table of Contents

HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 15. No. 2, 2010

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2010;15:104-110

Original Article

Tumour Prosthetic Replacement in Paediatric Bone Cancer

KC Wong, SM Kumta, KW Cheung, kh Chiu, LF Tse, MK Shing, CK Li


Surgical management of paediatric bone sarcoma is challenging. Effective chemotherapy and advances in surgical techniques make limb sparing surgery possible and offers adequate disease control comparable to the results obtained by amputations. With advances in design, material technology and surgical techniques, modern implanted tumor prostheses are more durable, less short term complications and can achieve good limbs function. This study is to review the experience of using prostheses in limb sparing surgery for 35 patients with paediatric bone sarcoma managed at one of quaternary referral centers in Hong Kong.

Keyword : Limb sparing surgery; Paediatric bone cancer; Tumour prostheses

Abstract in Chinese


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