Review Article Management of Tumour Lysis Syndrome in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 非霍奇金淋巴瘤中腫瘤溶解綜合徵治療 Abstract Tumour lysis syndrome is an oncological emergency and non-Hodgkin lymphoma is one of the high risk groups to develop this complication before or during chemotherapy. This article provides an overview and evaluates the role of urate oxidase in management of this condition. Retrospective review of forty-four cases in our hospital showed that four patients (9%) developed grade 3 to grade 4 tumour lysis syndrome and two of them required renal replacement therapy. All of them recovered from this acute complication after vigorous supportive therapy. Burkitt's lymphoma with intra-abdominal presentation and huge tumour load with multiple sites involvement are the main risk factors for development of tumour lysis syndrome. 腫瘤溶解綜合徵屬於一種腫瘤領域中的急症。非霍奇金淋巴瘤為併發這一綜合徵的高危類型,在化療治療之前以及治療的過程中,均可繼發出現腫瘤溶解綜合徵。本文將對該綜合徵進行綜述,同時評估尿酸氧化酶在治療腫瘤溶解綜合徵中的作用。通過回顧分析我院44例病例中,4例(9%)出現了3至4級腫瘤溶解綜合徵,其中 2名病人須進行換腎治療。所有病人在經過強有力的支持治療康復。而在Burkitt's 淋巴瘤中,腹部腫物以及多發部位受累導致較大腫瘤負荷,引致出現腫瘤溶解綜合徵重要的危險因素。 Keyword : Non-Hodgkin lymphoma; Tumour lysis syndrome 關鍵詞:非霍奇金淋巴瘤、腫瘤溶解綜合徵