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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 12. No. 3, 2007

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2007;12:199-201

Case Report

A Tragic Case of 'Flu'

KL Kwong, H Hui, CM Hui, TL Que


We report a 5-year old boy with influenza A-associated acute necrotising encephalopathy. This is the first reported case in Hong Kong. The diagnosis was based on clinical features, neuroimaging findings and isolation of influenza A virus from nasopharyngeal aspirate. The disease is characterised by fever, seizure, rapid deterioration in consciousness and radiologic involvement of bilateral thalami and cerebellum. Paediatricians taking care of children should be aware of this exceedingly rare but emerging presentation of influenza infections.

Keyword : Acute necrotising encephalopathy; Influenza

Abstract in Chinese


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