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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 12. No. 1, 2007

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2007;12:53-57

Case Report

Three Children with Swyer-James/Macleod Syndrome

SC Sit, QU Lee, MC Chiu


Swyer-James/Macleod syndrome (SJMS) is an uncommon disease with the characteristic radiological feature of "unilateral hyperlucency" due to loss of pulmonary vasculature and air trapping. SJMS is considered to be a form of bronchiolitis obliterans that follows viral bronchiolitis and pneumonitis. We reported in this article three paediatric patients with a spectrum of clinical presentation of this rare syndrome. Their diagnoses were confirmed with the use of CT scan. They were treated conservatively. None of them have developed any serious complication during the relative short follow up period. We suggested that a large scale studies should be performed to investigate the long term outcome in this group of patients.

斯─傑二氏綜合征(SJMS)是一種罕見的,以單側肺透亮度增高為特徵的疾病,這是因為肺血管喪失或空氣陷閉所致。SJMS 是由於病毒引起的支氣管炎和肺炎導致支氣管閉塞。我們在這篇文獻中,報導 3 位兒科病人出現這種少見綜合征。他們的診斷是通過 CT 掃描明確診斷。通過保守治療,在相對短的隨訪時間內,沒有任何人出現嚴重的併發症。我們建議對這些病人要進行深入的研究,調查他們的長期預後情況。

Keyword : Bronchiolitis obliterans; Chest X-ray; Hyperlucency; Swyer-James/Macleod syndrome



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