HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 10. No. 2,
HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2005;10:115-118
Case Report
A Child With Multiple Sclerosis Manifested as Central Nervous System Tumour
CM Chow, NC Sin Department of Paediatrics, Prince of Wales Hospital, 30-32 Ngan Shing Street, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong, China CM Chow ( 周中武 ) MBChB, MRCPCH NC Sin ( 冼藝泉 ) MRCP(UK), FHKCPaed, FHKAM(Paed) Correspondence to: Dr CM Chow Received March 2, 2004
Abstract Multiple sclerosis (MS) is rare in paediatric population. The diagnosis is always difficult as the presentations can be very diverse and can mimic a tumour. A case of MS was discussed, which initially presented as central nervous system (CNS) tumour. On further investigations, the diagnosis of MS was made. Keyword : Multiple sclerosis; Tumour Abstract in Chinese