HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 1. No. 2,
HK J Paediatr (New Series) 1996;1:203
Proceedings of Clinical Meeting
Suicidal Attempts from Poisoning or Drug Overdose of Children in Hong Kong
CB Chow, KY Chan, MW Cheung, NK Leung CB Chow, KY Chan, MW Cheung, NK Leung Paediatric A Unit, Princess Margaret Hospital
HK J Paediatr (new series) 1996;1:193-206 Annual Scientific Meeting Hong Kong Paediatric Society December 9, 1995 | From January 1989 to December 1991, 88 children under the age of 15 years were admitted to Paediatric A Unit, Princess Margaret Hospital for drug overdose or poisoning. Of these, 20 cases represented suicidal attempts. There were 6 boys and 14 girls and all were over 11 years of age. Methods of suicide included ingestion of chemicals in 14 cases (70%) and ingestion of drugs in another 6 cases (30%). Wrist cuttings were additionally undertaken in 3 cases. Precipitating events were due to problems with parents in 11 cases (55%), siblings in 4 cases (20%), peers in 3 cases (15%) and school in 2 cases (10%). Psychiatrist was consulted in 17 cases and 12 (70%) were diagnosed to have adjustment or situational reactions and 5 (30%) conduct problems. The motive of suicides was all for expression of their feelings or relief from stress. Family problems were present in all and school problems in 60%. Truancy, stealing or drug abuse were common occurring in 14 cases. Management of these children had been most difficult. Multi-disciplinary approach is required.