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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 1. No. 2, 1996

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 1996;1:100-104

Feature Article

Opportunistic Infections in Children

WT Hughes


The population of immunocompromised children is increasing due to prolonged survival of patients with cancer, congenital immunodeficiency disorders, organ transplant recipients and the AIDS epidemic. Bacteria, fungi and viruses of low virulence comprise the etiology of most opportunistic infections encountered in these patients. Febrile episodes in most immunocompromised patients require immediate antimicrobial therapy, often initiated empirically before a specific diagnosis is possible. Especially demanding of broad-spectrum antibiotics are patients with profound neutropenia (< 500 cells per cu m). Systemic opportunistic fungal infections are now adding greater complexity to the management of these patients.

Keyword : Immunosuppressed host; Neutropenia; Opportunistic infections

Abstract in Chinese


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