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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 9. No. 4, 2004

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2004;9:303-306


Paradigm Shift in Adolescent Health Service Delivery

YW Choi


In view of the rapid changing cultural, technological, ecological, social, economic and political context, the adolescent health services are undergoing a gradual paradigm shift in Hong Kong. Wholistic health care services are advocated and delivered by several hospitals, clinics and non-government organizations. Several hospitals have attempted to form integrated intersectoral teams for adolescent health care. For ten years, longitudinal research has been conducted to develop tools for the identification of adolescents with potential risks for mental or behavioral disorders, and learning difficulties; so that preventive and therapeutic services can be delivered as early as possible. Health care professionals have reached out into the communities, to meet the needs of adolescents who may not take the initiative to seek professional help. The counseling profession has gradually shifted from a predominantly individual approach to a systems approach. Since wholistic health is a way of life, health careers are learning to tackle the cultural melieu of the adolescents, and attempts have been made to help adolescents to think global and act local.

Keyword : Intersectoral collaboration; Prevention; Wholistic health

Abstract in Chinese


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