Occasional Survey Undergraduate Medical Education: Perpetuum Mobile Abstract Medical undergraduate education in Britain has undergone radical change in the last ten years following recommendations by the General Medical Council in the early 1990's to "liberate the curriculum from factual overload and passive acquisition of knowledge". Some new curricula are chiefly problem-based; others, such as that in Cardiff, embrace more the philosophy of greater integration between disciplines, with special emphasis on breaking down a previous pre-clinical/clinical divide and improving communication skills. New curricula have established the concept of a core programme complemented by special study modules that encourage initiative and curiosity building on knowledge and skills acquired in the core. Clear definition of educational aims is essential. But the actual delivery of the curriculum, especially where so much clinical training takes place in the hospitals and community settings away from the main teaching base, poses challenges to ensure the core programme is adequately covered. Keyword : Curriculum; Education; Learning; Medical |