Table of Contents

HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 10. No. 2, 2005

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2005;10:96-100

Original Article

Responding to Domestic Violence in Yuen Long District

ACW Lee, KT So


Yuen Long District, the most northwestern part of Hong Kong, is remarkable with the highest incidence of child maltreatment and spouse abuse compared with the rest of the Special Administrative Region. Following a tragic and widely publicised case of domestic violence in the district, the Director of Social Welfare appointed a 3-membered review panel to look into the provision of family services in that region. The incident has also stimulated much discussion among the public and also the professionals. This article presents the views of the paediatricians working in the region. Changes in the existing deployment of human resources, fostering of expertise and training, management of organisation and staff anxiety, and independent assessment of child welfare are needed. However, the situation of the social problems encountered in this region is not unique, and territory-wide improvement objectives are essential.

Keyword : Child abuse; Domestic violence; Multidisciplinary case conference; Social work

Abstract in Chinese


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