Clinical Guideline Clinical Guideline on Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Children below 2 Years of Age (Part II): Investigations Following a Documented Infection SN Wong, W Chiu, S Ho, PW Ko, W Lam, CK Yeung, MC Chiu, CS Ho, W Wong ForewordThis Guideline had been developed by Quality Assurance Sub-committee, COC in Paediatrics and the expert authors for the Hospital Authority according to the state of medical knowledge at the time of publication. It has been established that doctors can act in accordance with a practice accepted as proper by a responsible body of medical opinion even though others may adopt a different practice. As such, this guideline is for general guidance only; the management of individual cases must be the clinical judgment and decision of the medical practitioners after considering all relevant circumstances, information and up-to-date medical knowledge. In view of the general nature of this guideline and the changes in medical science, the Hospital Authority, the Paediatric COC and the authors do not assume or accept any liability for this guideline. Explanatory Notes on Level of Evidence and Grading System on RecommendationThe definition of types of evidence and grading recommendations originate from the US Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) and are also recommended and used by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Evidence is graded upon the methodological qualities. Guidelines normally contain many different recommendation based upon different levels of evidence. It is important that users are aware of the level of evidence on which each guideline recommendation is based. The link between guideline recommendation and the supporting evidence should be made explicit. Separating the strength of the recommendation from the level of evidence helps in situations where extrapolation is required to take the evidence of a methodologically strong study and apply it to the target population. Gradings of recommendation in addition to level of evidence allow more flexibility for future revision. However, it is important to emphasis that the grading does not relate to the importance of the recommendation. The Follow-up Investigations and Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Children below 2 years of age
IntroductionThis guideline refers to the investigations and initial management following the first proven episode of urinary tract infection (UTI) in children below 2 years of age. Every effort must be made to differentiate contaminated urine culture results from genuine UTI, instead of labeling patients as suspected UTI. When we decide on further investigations, the benefits to individual patient have to be weighed against the psychological stress, discomfort, and economic costs of the investigations. Also parents have to be fully informed and their preference has to be taken into consideration. In formulating our recommendations, we have adapted heavily from several recent guidelines published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),1,2 Royal College of Physicians,3 the Swedish Medical Research Council4 and American College of Radiology.5 This was supplemented by literature search in Medline from 1997 to 2000. It is also important to consider the acceptability by the local profession and community. Recommendations: 1A. Follow-up investigations are directed to detect underlying anatomical abnormalities of the urinary tract and vesicoureteric reflux (VUR), to assess renal functions and degree of scarring of each kidney, and to look for bladder dysfunction. 1B. Follow-up management are directed to prevent, detect and treat any recurrent UTI, to manage any urological abnormalities appropriately, and hence prevent further renal scarring and its long term sequalae. (Grade of Recommendation: B) (Level of Evidence: II) Notes:
Recommendations: 2. Clinical assessment should include inquiry into bowel and bladder habits, documenting signs of chronic renal failure, hypertension, palpable kidneys and bladder, lumbosacral spinal abnormalities, weak urine stream (in boys), and serum creatinine level. In children with any abnormalities, the schedule for follow up investigations should be accelerated. (Grade of Recommendation: C) (Level of Evidence: IV) Note:
Recommendations: 3. A prophylactic antibiotic should be given to cover the period while waiting for investigations. It can be stopped if significant vesi-coureteric reflux and obstructive uropathy are ruled out. (Grade of Recommendation: C) (Level of Evidence: IV) Notes:
Recommendations: 4. It is important that the family be educated to recognise the symptoms and signs of recurrent UTI, and be advised to seek immediate medical care when UTI is suspected. It is mandatory to check for UTI recurrence when the diagnosis is suspected. It is optional to test urine microscopy and culture regularly every 3 months. (Grade of Recommendation: C) (Level of Evidence: IV) Notes:
Recommendations: 5. It is strongly recommended to do ultrasound scan of the urinary tract and an imaging study for VUR. In boys, fluoroscopic micturiting cystourethrogram (MCU) is appropriate to delineate the bladder and urethral anatomy as well as VUR. In girls, MCU or direct radionuclide cystogram (RNC) are appropriate options. (Grade of Recommendation: B) (Level of Evidence: III) Notes:
Recommendations: 6. DMSA renal scan may help in the following situations : A) A DMSA scan may be needed as soon as possible if the diagnosis of pyelonephritis is strongly suspected but urine culture is not confirmatory. B) A late DMSA scan after 6-12 months can assess permanent renal scarring (as a baseline for monitoring treatment of VUR or as an aid to decide the need for long term follow up). (Grade of Recommendation: B) (Level of Evidence: III) Notes:
Recommendations: 7. Low dose antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated in the following situations where the risk of recurrence of UTI is considered high : A) Grade III-V vesicoureteric reflux (Evidence Ib; Recommendation A) B) Recurrent UTI (Evidence Ib; Recommendation A) The optimal duration of prophylaxis is controversial. The need for prophylaxis for Grade I-II vesicoureteric reflux, or for renal scarring without VUR are controversial. Notes:
Recommendations: 8. As an alternative to long term follow up, children with no detected abnormalities on USG, MCU initially, and on DMSA scan at one year follow-up, and having no voiding dysfunction symptoms and no recurrence of UTI, may not need further monitoring. (Grade of Recommendation: C) (Level of Evidence: IV) Note:
Limitations of Current RecommendationsMost of the current recommendations are based on expert opinion as there are surprisingly little good quality evidence. The investigatory approach was based on a projected cost-effectiveness analysis. There were no randomised controlled trials that directly showed that children who have routine diagnostic imaging after a first UTI are better off than those who do not.6 There were also no longitudinal data that link directly the presence of VUR in infants with febrile UTI and normal kidneys to the subsequent development of hypertension or ESRD.1 Two systematic reviews have pointed out the weak evidence based on data from three small RCTs supporting the use of antibiotic prophylaxis after UTI,17,22 and emphasised the need for further studies. The panel could not find any research data addressing some practical questions raised by our colleagues during the consultation process: For example: 1) whether antibiotic cover should be given for MCU; 2) whether the choice of long term antibiotic prophylaxis should follow the sensitivity pattern of bacteria causing the previous UTI; 3) what are the indications for antibiotic prophylaxis for VUR detected by direct radionuclide cystogram; 4) what are the long term consequence of renal scarring as detected by DMSA scans; 5) whether asymptomatic bacteriuria in infants with history of febrile UTI needs to be treated. These may be good topics for further research. Lastly, this guideline focused on the initial investigations and follow up management of uncomplicated UTI in children below 2 years of age. The long term management of VUR (especially when to repeat imaging tests, when to stop antibiotic prophylaxis, and when to advise surgical treatment for VUR) is beyond our scope. It should be covered by a future exercise, with more collaboration between the paediatric urologists, radiologists and nephrologists. AcknowledgementWe would like to thank Dr HW Liu and his colleagues of the Clinical Effectiveness Unit of Hospital Authority for their advice in preparing this guideline. References1. Downs SM. Technical report: urinary tract infections in febrile infants and young children. The Urinary Tract Subcommittee of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Quality Improvement. Pediatrics 1999;103:e54. 2. Practice parameter: the diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of the initial urinary tract infection in febrile infants and young children. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Quality Improvement Subcommittee on Urinary Tract Infection. Pediatrics 1999;103(4 Pt 2):843-52. 3. Guidelines for the management of acute urinary tract infection in childhood. Report of a Working Group of the Research Unit, Royal College of Physicians. 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