Editorial Challenges Ahead CY Yeung Some people regard difficult issues as "Problems", others take them as "Challenges". The challenges the Journal has been facing are multiple. More quality papers are needed; recognition by such authorities as local Universities, getting the journal indexed, and financial support to increase the frequency of publication have all intertwined into a vicious cycle. The Editorial Board has made a major resolution before the end of year 2001 to turn the Journal into a quarterly publication. Hopefully this could break the cycle and to have it indexed soon. With the current economic climate and the dwindling support from the industries, such an action could only be taken with the unfailing pledge to support by both the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians and the Hong Kong Paediatric Society. To them we are extremely grateful. We appeal to local researchers, teachers and clinicians to contribute articles to your own journal. For without your contributions, the production will not be worth the while. We ask heads of respective hospital paediatric units to promote submissions to us. We like to invite researchers/senior paediatricians to contribute articles on their research data and clinical studies besides writing topical reviews or personal practice for us. We like to receive photograghic/radiograghic materials. We wish to encourage trainees and post-graduates to contribute to the journal especially to the "Post-graduate Column". Of course we welcome papers from colleagues from overseas especially those from our neighbourhood, as we share many uniquely Oriental conditions in common. We also welcome submission of educational clinical photographs and radiographic materials. As one of the few paediatric journals from China which are published in English, we probably can serve as a bridge between the East and the West in matters related to child health. We have a role to play and an important duty to fulfill. Let us jointly make a new year resolution to meet the new challenges of the quarterly production of the Journal and to make it a great success. CY Yeung