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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 27. No. 1, 2022

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2022;27:90-91

In Remembrance

Our Fond Memory of the Late Dr. CHIU Man Chun (趙孟準醫生)

BBS 1974, MRCP (UK) 1979, DCH (Lond) 1979,
FRCP (Edin) 1990, FRCP (Glasg) 1991, FHKCPaed 1991,
FHKAM (Paediatrics) 1993, FRCP (Lond) 1995, FRCPCH 1997
Honorary Life Member of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society (2009)
Member of the Accreditation Committee and the Committee of Subspecialty Board,
Chairman of the Examination Committee of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
Chief of Service of the Department of Paediatrics at the Princess Margaret Hospital (1992-2010)

Dr. CHIU Man Chun was graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong in 1974. After graduation, he was trained as paediatrician at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and worked as Senior Medical Officer from 1981-1988. He was professionally trained in Paediatric Nephrology at the Great Ormond Street Hospital and Guy's Hospital in the United Kingdom. Upon his return from training, Dr. Chiu joined the new paediatric unit at the Princess Margaret Hospital as Consultant Paediatrician in 1988 and became the Chief of Service since 1992 till his retirement in 2010.

Dr. CHIU had great contributions to the field of paediatrics and child health throughout his professional life. He was one of the pioneers to establish paediatric nephrology in Hong Kong in terms of service development, training as well as patient and family support. He had set up the Paediatric Nephrology Centre at the Princess Margaret Hospital to provide holistic care to patients and families in particularly taking care of their psychological wellbeing through the unique clinical psychologist service provided at the department level for renal patients and children with other chronic illnesses. At the community level, he was the founder of the Children's Kidney Fund which was established in 1996 to support paediatric renal patients and their families.

Dr. CHIU demonstrated his capable leadership in the development of novel services. He was the Co-chairman of Central Coordinating Committee (COC Paediatrics) of the Hospital Authority from 2002 to 2005. He helped the Hospital Authority to draft the service model of the Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics in 2007 which had laid the foundation to the development of the current Hong Kong Children's Hospital.

Dr. CHIU had remarkable visions in professional development and nurturing of new generations. The Paediatric Manual he published with 5 subsequent editions has not just benefited paediatricians in Hong Kong but also in other Asian countries. He was also the co-author of Paediatric Nephrology Handbook, Neonatal Manual and many other professional publications. Dr. CHIU had enormous contributions in professional bodies both locally and internationally. He was the Chairman of the Travelling Funding of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society to encourage members to advance professional knowledge through participation in international meetings. He was awarded the Honorary Life Member of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society in 2009. He also served the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians on the Accreditation Committee, the Examination Committee, the Task Force for Higher Training of Paediatric Subspecialties and subsequently the Committee for Subspecialty Boards. He was the founding members of many regional and international societies. Through his international connections, he had enhanced the local training of paediatric nephrology to meet the world standard.

Besides the eminent achievements in the medical profession, Dr. CHIU was also gifted with special talent in music and writing. He was a well-known musician, lyricist, and writer in the local community with numerous masterpieces. He had inspired and healed many souls through the Chinese hymns he wrote for the Christian music ministry.

We are so sad that Dr. CHIU has left us. To the medical profession, we have lost a phenomenal leader, a respectable teacher, a close friend and a multi-talented colleague. To the children and families, they will forever miss this dedicated and passionate doctor who has devoted his lifetime to work for the betterment of children and support the families with all his possible capacities. He had indeed established a strong foundation for his successors and the young generation to develop quality services for children in Hong Kong and demonstrated clear directions for colleagues to follow. He will be eternally remembered by all of us in the field.

Dr. CHIU passed away peacefully on 29th September 2021 in Hong Kong. Memorial Service would be held at the Methodist Church in Wanchai on 13th November, 2021. To his family, we would like to convey our most sincere and deepest condolences.

Dr. Chok-wan CHAN
President of International Pediatric Association (IPA) (2007-2010)
Honorary President of Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association (APPA)
President of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society (1982-1985)
On behalf of the Council of the Hong Kong Paediatric Society
29th October 2021, Hong Kong


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