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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 25. No. 4, 2020

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2020;25:236-239

Case Report

Two Cases of Neonatal Graves' Disease Illustrating the Role of Thyrotropin-receptor Antibody (TRAb) as a Diagnostic and Surveillance Marker

FLY Chan, KL Ng, TKC Tsui


Neonatal Graves' disease is an important but rare neonatal condition. We report two cases of neonatal Graves' disease with drastically different clinical manifestations. These cases highlight the importance of accurate history taking in pregnant patients and demonstrates the clinical utility of thyrotropin-receptor antibody (TRAb) as a predictor of neonatal hyperthyroidism.

Keyword : Anti-TSHR; Graves' disease; Hyperthyroidism; Neonatal thyrotoxicosis; TRAb

Abstract in Chinese


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