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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 24. No. 4, 2019

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2019;24:231-234

Case Report

An Infant with Diarrhoea and Cyanosis: A Case Report of Methaemoglobinaemia

TTW Chow, KM Belaramani, CH Li


We report a young infant with diarrhoea and associated methaemoglobinaemia, who presented acutely with shock and cyanosis. The baby was subsequently diagnosed to have cow's milk protein intolerance. The clinical features, pathogenesis, aetiology and management of the condition were reviewed. We would like to highlight that methaemoglobinaemia is a medical emergency, and prompt treatment with methylene blue is life-saving and usually results in good outcome.

Keyword : Children; Cow's milk protein allergy; Diarrhoea; Methaemoglobinaemia; Nitrate

Abstract in Chinese


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