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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 24. No. 4, 2019

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2019;24:192-202

Original Article

Long-term Therapy Related Side Effect on Endocrine System Among Paediatric Survivors with Brain Tumour and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

SSW Chan, JYL Tung, DKL Cheuk, WHS Wong, GCF Chan


Purpose: Treatments for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and brain tumours could cause endocrine sequelae after completion of treatment. Yet, the local incidence and pattern are not known. This study aims to evaluate the frequency and nature of endocrine complications among Hong Kong Chinese childhood brain tumours and ALL survivors. Methods: It is a retrospective cross-sectional review on paediatric ALL and brain tumour patients treated in a tertiary hospital from January 2000 to August 2015. Children survived for more than 2 years were included. Findings: Overall 233 patients were included in the study (ALL=138; brain tumours=95). The mean duration of follow-up was 10.3 years. Seventy-eight patients (33.5%) had at least one endocrine complication, and 57 (25.4%) had more than one endocrine complication. Hypothyroidism (n=45) was the commonest complication, followed by hypogonadism (n=40). Cranial radiotherapy was a major risk factor of endocrinopathy. Conclusions: Radiotherapy appeared to be the most significant risk factor. Updated regular surveillance program, together with proper patients' educations are mandatory.

Keyword : ALL; Brain tumours; Childhood cancers; Endocrine complications

Abstract in Chinese


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