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HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 23. No. 1, 2018

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2018;23:34-36

Case Report

A Rare Case of Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation at a Paediatric Emergency Department

JJ Chen, CH Lien


Abdominal pain is a major complaint at the paediatric emergency department. Intestinal perforation is rare, and it is usually caused by other intestinal diseases or appears in patients with risk factors. We present a case of spontaneous intestinal perforation in a completely healthy patient. The present case is a reminder that spontaneous intestinal perforation can occur in healthy people without any underlying diseases or other risk factors.

Keyword : Abdominal pain; Intestinal perforation; Peritonitis; Pneumoperitoneum

Abstract in Chinese


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