Table of Contents

HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 22. No. 2, 2017

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2017;22:97-102

Original Article

Iranian Paediatric Nurses Experience of Nursing Error: A Content Analysis

M Mohsenpour, M Hosseini, A Abbaszadeh, F Mohammadi Shahboulaghi, H Khankeh


Nursing error has complex and vague dimensions and paediatric nurses' experience is different from the other nurses. Therefore, this study was conducted to illuminate Iranian paediatric nurses' perception of nursing error. Our study designed is qualitative content analysis. Semi-structured interviews were performed with 8 paediatric nurses in three hospitals. Filed notes were documented. Data were analysed using manifest qualitative content analysis by Bernard's theory. Five themes were obtained from interviews and field notes: 1) damage; 2) careless; 3) wrong thinking/action; 4) relative/absolute situation; 5) Compulsory/Optional Situation. Iranian paediatric nurses perceive nursing error as situations attributed in wide spectrums that damage is heart of them. Two new aspects of nursing error presented in this study was wrong thinking and normalisation of errors (in Compulsory/Optional Situation). Our results show the need of more research and education attention to this issue.

護理事故具有複雜和模糊的情況,兒科護士的臨床護理經驗也與其他專科護士不盡相同。所以,本研究分析伊朗兒科護士對護理事故的看法。研究以量化內容分析方法設計。對三家醫院的8位兒科護士進行半模組化訪問,並對其工作日誌加以整理記錄。應用伯納德理論的清單定性內容分析法進行資料分析。從訪問和工作記錄綜合了五個相關的範疇:(1) 損害;(2) 疏忽;(3) 錯誤思維/行動;(4) 相對/絕對情況;5 強制性/可選擇的情況。伊朗兒科護士接受護理事故所造成的各樣問題,對病童健康造成的損害是其中最需要正視的地方。本研究指出護理事故所觸及的兩個問題:兒科護士在強制性/可選擇的情況下的錯誤思維和把錯誤常態化。結果顯示醫護人員須研究探討找出處理這些問題的方法,兒科護士須接受相關的培訓操練和重視護理教育。

Keyword : Content analysis; Error; Medical errors; Nursing



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