Table of Contents

HK J Paediatr (New Series)
Vol 22. No. 2, 2017

HK J Paediatr (New Series) 2017;22:88-96

Original Article

Clinical Characteristics and Developmental Profile of Child Abuse Victims Assessed at Child Assessment Service in Hong Kong: A Five-year Retrospective Study

hpw Lo, VWY Lau, ESM Yu


Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics and developmental profile of child abuse victims assessed at Child Assessment Service (CAS) in Hong Kong. Method: A retrospective chart review was conducted. Children with multidisciplinary case conference concluded as child abuse victims and who were assessed at CAS were studied. An age-, sex- and condition-matched comparison group was also selected for comparison. Results: Fifty-five children (36 boys and 19 girls) were studied. Developmental delay/intellectual disability and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/problem were the two major developmental disabilities identified. Types of abuse included physical abuse (56.4%), neglect (32.7%), sexual abuse (3.6%) and multiple abuse (7.3%) and 80% of the abusers were parent(s). Parents with psychiatric problems or substance abuse, single parenting, low-income families and children having sibling(s) with developmental problems were associated with higher risk for child abuse. Conclusions: Psychosocial risk factors for child abuse were identified in children with developmental problems assessed at CAS. Support for these children from disadvantaged families is important in child protection.


Keyword : Child abuse; Developmental disabilities



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